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Are you doing enough to make your workplace diabetes safe?

Building Safety Management


Broadcast: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 | 11:00 BST

1 in 12 people in the workforce have diabetes. For those who drive for a living it is 1 in 6. Diabetes is a known and foreseeable risk in the workplace. A new report shows that diabetes poses 5 key risks for companies. As an organisation we want to raise awareness of the impact of diabetes and offer effective solutions to keep people safe in work, increase productivity and provide those living with diabetes the space to manage their condition safely. 75% of people living with diabetes report that they go against their healthcare professional's advice to ensure they can be productive in work. The challenge with this is that it causes long term complications and early exit from the workforce. Let’s make workplaces diabetes safe.

After this webinar you will understand:

  • UK data on diabetes
  • The 5 business risks
  • Signs and symptoms of diabetes
  • How to help someone if they had a hypo
  • The One Less campaign and a diabetes safe workplace

Notes on the speaker:

Kate Walker is the CEO of the Diabetes Safety Organisation, working in the construction and logistics sector, addressing the ever-present and increasing safety risk posed by diabetes. The company work to increase awareness and understanding of the invisible risks and health concerns associated with diabetes. Kate is also the Chair of a charity supporting people living with diabetes in the community.


Karen Walker

CEO from Diabetes Safety Organisation

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