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Traffic signs

traffic light

Where children have to cross, or walk adjacent to a road, to access a play area some form of traffic control is advisable.

Whilst most measures are beyond the resources of smaller authorities, the provision of standard warning signs advising motorists that they are approaching an area where children play is economic and is advised. There are standard signs available and in most cases the relevant highways authority will provide such signage.

Signs should be clearly visible from all approach directions and should be positioned sufficiently far away from the area to enable motorists, if necessary, to adjust their speed to an acceptable level. The signs should be placed so as not to be obscured by planting growth.

Warning signs not only (hopefully) reduce motorist's speed but also raise their awareness of the presence of children.

As well as providing traffic signs care should be taken to ensure that planting, other road signs, or other roadside materials do not obscure sight lines for both motorist and pedestrian. This may mean keeping hedges and verges well cut back.

Contact Us

Playsafety Ltd *
+44 (0)1793 317470
[email protected]
Unit 78, Shrivenham Hundred Business Park, Watchfield, Swindon, SN6 8TY
* RoSPA’s activities in the area of play safety are carried out under an exclusive licence arrangement by an independent and highly experienced specialist company, “Playsafety Ltd” which trades under such licence as “RoSPA Play Safety”.