Routine inspection of play areas

The regular check of the children's playground is intended to be quick and simple. Its primary function is to identify faults or dangers arising from vandalism or breakage.
Such inspections can be carried out by staff other than specialists whose duties may take them to the playground from time to time. It may be economic to tie it to a contract cleansing company, for example. Training is available from RoSPA.
Training can be linked to the annual inspections. Annual inspections should be carried out by an independent, suitably qualified specialist.
Site and ancillary items
- Are signs present and legible?
- Are road barriers present and in good condition?
- Are fences complete and secure?
- Are the gates in working order?
- Are pathways undamaged and unobstructed?
- Is the site free of litter or any dangerous object?
- Are the seats secure and undamaged?
- Are the litter bins secure and undamaged?
- Have they been emptied?
- Has the planting been damaged?
- Is all safety surfacing undamaged?
- Are loose-fill surfaces at the right level?
All items
- Are all supports present?
- Is all timber work undamaged?
- Are all safety barriers present?
- Are the swing chains unbroken?
- Are the seats fixed on securely and undamaged?
- Are the steps undamaged?
- Is the chute undamaged?
- Is it clear of foreign objects?
- Does it revolve smoothly and noiselessly?
- Is it undamaged?
- If it has a speed governor, does this work?
Rocking items
- Does the item move smoothly and noiselessly?
- Are all safety guards present?
- Does it strike the ground?
Spring items
- Does the item move freely and noiselessly?
- Is the spring undamaged?
Climbing frames
- Are all the bars in place?
- Are they securely fixed?
Cable runaways
- Does the runner move smoothly and noiselessly?
Sand play
- Is the sand free of rubbish?
- Are the ropes secure and undamaged?
- Are the connectors present?
Multi-play items
- Are the guard rails present?
- Are there signs of new timber where a piece has been removed?
- Are there holes in the metal indicating where a piece has been removed?
- Have you reported all faults?
- Have you dated and signed a log book on completion?