Home play equipment

This information sheet suggests some things to be considered when purchasing outside or large play equipment for the home.
General Comments
- Is there a CE or GS mark on the equipment which indicates a degree of quality?
- Are full installation, maintenance and operating instructions included?
- Is there an indication of recommended age or use and durability?
- Is paint used non-toxic and low lead?
- Are all tube ends capped?
- Are there no protruding bolts or parts?
- Unless otherwise designated are items capable of being secured to the ground securely?
- Are all hand grips less than 40mm?
- Is information given on appropriate surfaces?
- Are seats impact absorbing?
- Are all ropes protected against wear at fixing points?
- Swing ropes should not be crossed in the middle
- Is the ground clearance at least 200mm?
- Are all 'S' hook fixings closed or capable of being closed?
- Are access ladders and steps securely fixed to the slide?
- Are the slide sides at least 64mm high?
- Are there guard sections and hand grips to the top of the slide to prevent falls?
- Is the end less than 300mm from the ground?
- Are there no protrusions underneath?
- Does it rotate noiselessly and smoothly?
- Are there hand-grips for children to hold?
Climbing frames
- Are hand grips less than 40mm diameter?
- Are any moving parts (i.e. ropes) fixed top and bottom to reduce movement?
- Is the frame less than 2m high?
- Are hand grips less than 40mm in diameter?
- Are there any protruding bars (i.e. hand grips should be loops)?
- Are there foot rests?
Combination units
- Is there sufficient space between swinging units to avoid children striking each other?
- Are there less than three swinging items in a single bay?
- Do children have to go past a swinging item to access other play features?