Tendering and specification

Having a clear agreement on what is expected from all parties is essential to prevent misunderstandings which can lead to possible complications and disagreements.
At the design stage the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 should be considered and implemented if practical
It is recommended that a minimum of three separate quotations from different suppliers be requested. Suppliers can produce good quality design and/or illustrations of their proposals and these should be sought wherever possible.
Before placing an order it is recommended that the potential supplier be requested to provide a list of other similar installations that they have undertaken, together with contact details of these clients so that if necessary references can be taken up.
Full guarantee details should also be provided.
Obtain clear written details of when work is expected to commence, period of work and estimated completion date. Obtain details of the supplier's insurance cover.
It is also recommended that a list of spare parts and prices be requested (with estimated normal delivery times) together with an estimate of likely annual maintenance costs.
It is recommended that the production of a satisfactory Post Installation report from someone such as RoSPA be made a condition of payment.
For play equipment
- Equipment should be ordered to meet the requirements of EN1176 and be installed in compliance with this standard. (Don't just rely on wording in a manufacturer's brochure)
- Request copies of any test certificates that apply to the equipment.
- The information required from the manufacturer/supplier in EN11761 Paragraph 6 should be requested at time of order. (To be supplied at time of installation)
- Surfacing should be ordered to meet the dimensional requirements of EN1176 and the impact attenuation requirements of EN1177
- Installation should be ordered as to comply with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
For "safer" surfacing
- Surfacing should meet the impact attenuating requirements of EN1177 and be tested in accordance with BS 7188. A copy of the test certificate for all rubberized surfaces (Wet Pour, Tiles and Grass Matting) should be provided by the supplier.
- Loose fill materials should meet the recommendations of Annexe D of EN1177 and normally be installed to a depth of at least 300mm
- Grass, if in good condition and free from hard objects is acceptable under EN1177 for fall heights of up to 1000mm
Skate parks and BMX and Multi Use Games Areas
- Wheeled sports areas (skateboard and BMX ramps) should be ordered to meet the requirements of pr EN 14974
- Multi Use Games Areas should be ordered to meet the requirements of pr EN15312
- BMX dirt and earth tracks should meet the requirements of the RoSPA safety guidelines (which are approved by British Cycling)
- Provision of correct signage to the appropriate standard is essential on these sites.
Large projects
Very large projects may be subject to further regulations. For large projects professional advice should be sought. If your supplier is a member of The Association of Play Industries they should be able to advise you of any additional regulations and would normally automatically comply with them
Self installation
If installing equipment yourselves it is essential to follow manufacturer's instructions. A RoSPA Post Installation report is even more essential in this case. RoSPA can provide help and advice at all stages of the project (fee payable).