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Rohan's offer Supports Positive Actions

Rohan Bennett has been appointed as RoSPA's second Young Advocate on the Changemakers Future Leaders programme. This follows a successful placement and road safety research project completed by Alysha Ong last year.

Established as a charity in 1994, Changemakers advocates the young person led approach to action and learning to policy makers and funders, and supports organisations to develop good practice. This aim is based on the proven experience that giving young people high levels of ownership of their action and learning is highly motivating for young people and the adults and organisations supporting them. Among the other organisations participating in the Future Leaders initiative this year are Newman University College, the Local Government Information Unit and Brook London.

Rohan is 20 years old and has been driving since he was 17, he considers himself to be a 'good' driver, but is concerned that even though he has never had an accident or made a claim, an insurance company could still quote him £5,000 to provide with annual cover. Between June and December Rohan will be working with RoSPA's road safety department to conduct research amongst young male drivers, pilot a driver safety programme and speak to insurance companies.

When asked what he hoped to get out of the 10-day placement Rohan responded, "I hope my offer to support inexperienced drivers will promote positive actions and in turn help young male drivers to get fairer insurance premiums".

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