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Training Needs Analysis

Get the most out of your training budget.

A RoSPA consultant will review existing methods for identifying and addressing health and safety training needs and outline an action plan for future improvements. They can also work with you to help you implement this action plan.

This process will include developing a comprehensive training needs/competencies matrix, whereby the RoSPA consultant will identify the managerial, operational and health and safety aspects of all employee positions. These will be synthesised into a spreadsheet and classified as mandatory, good practice and as required. The latter will include activities for which the organisation has a legal or critical operational obligation to ensure that it has a sufficient number of competent persons to carry out key tasks at all times when the site is occupied.

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+44 (0)121 248 2233
RoSPA House, 28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1RP, UK
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