Road Safety Evaluation Services
The importance of evaluation is widely recognised, as it allows us to measure how effective a programme is, why this is the case (or not) and therefore, helps us to learn from its successes and failures.
RoSPA realises that road safety professionals have an ever increasing workload and despite their recognition of the need to evaluate the effectiveness of their actions, they simply do not have the time to plan and evaluate.
However, in times of budgetary constraint where there is an increasing need to demonstrate cost benefit analysis, doing nothing is not a realistic option. Therefore, to help, RoSPA offers a highly professional evaluation service based upon the following options:
- Evaluation Consultancy
- Individually Tailored Consultancy – designed to help you carry out your own bespoke evaluation
- Limited free support through E-valu-it website
We specialise in evaluating:
- Education: Such as educational workshops, E-learning, awareness raising courses.
- Training: Such as in-vehicle driver training, cycle training, pedestrian training.
- Publicity and campaigns: Such as awareness raising campaigns using flyers, posters, social media, radio or TV advertisements.
Evaluation Consultancy
RoSPA provide an independent road safety evaluation service to help public and private organisations assess the effectiveness of road safety projects.
Who do we work with?
We work with anyone who delivers road safety education, training or publicity campaigns. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Local authorities
- Commercial companies
- Charities
- Not-for-profit organisations
- Road safety partnerships
- The emergency services
RoSPA can conduct the entire evaluation process for their clients, providing a full start to finish consultancy service. This includes: designing the evaluation, running data collection, analysing the results and writing an evaluation report.
Individually Tailored Consultancy
Alternatively, RoSPA offers Individual Tailored Consultancy for those who wish to carry out some of their evaluation in house, requiring external assistance only for specific parts of the project. Our services include:
- Online survey data collection
- Paper survey data collection
- Survey or questionnaire design
- Topic guide design
- Telephone interviews
- Focus group moderation
- Data analysis (including statistical tests)
- Logic model development (a project plan for your intervention)
- Report writing
- Aims and objectives development
If you would like to enquire about our evaluation consultancy services then please contact Rebecca Needham: [email protected].
Free Evaluation Support using the E-valu-it website
For those wishing to conduct their own evaluation internally, RoSPA also provides limited expert support and guidance. The main route to access this support is through RoSPA's Evaluation hub. The Evaluation hub hosts lots of information on how to carry out an evaluation project.
The Evaluation hub also hosts the E-valu-it toolkit. The toolkit is a set of questions which help to guide users through the evaluation process. Based on the answers, it produces a set of recommendations on what type of evaluation to do. The answers are also fed into a report template, which can be edited and updated throughout the course of the evaluation project, and used to produce a final evaluation report document. This can be then published on the E-valu-it website so that best practice can be established and shared.
There is also a specific evaluation guide for Managing Occupational Road Risk activities.
Use of the website and the E-valu-it toolkit is free. If you would like additional assistance using the site, or conducting your own evaluation, please contact the E-valu-it team on [email protected].