
Advanced Behavioural Driver Training Skills Refresher

Elevate your investment and master coaching excellence. 

What is the advanced behavioural driver training skills refresher course?


Unleash the full potential of your Level 4 coaching skills through our three day programme. Designed to uphold the highest standards, this course empowers you to demonstrate your commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in accordance with the DVLA’s Driving Instructor Code of Conduct. By enrolling in this course, you showcase your organisation’s dedication to reducing occupational road risk and ensuring unrivalled feet safety. Prepare to set new benchmarks in the realm of professional coaching. This course ensures continuous professional development for those who have already obtained the Level 4 Award in Advanced Behavioural Driver Training.


Why take the advanced behavioural driver training skills refresher course?

The Level 4 award represents the epitome of coaching excellence for advanced driver trainers. By updating your skills, you not only demonstrate your commitment to CPD but also ensure your expertise remains at the highest levels. You are fulfilling your commitment to occupational road safety and ensuring the coaching skills are the best you can gain, enabling coaches to give best value to those they are training or assessing within your organisation or as a fleet trainer.

Who is the advanced behavioural driver training skills refresher course suitable for?

The course is suitable for those that have already taken the advanced behavioural driver training course.


Why train with RoSPA?


We set the standards for road and vehicle safety


Courses are delivered by our highly skilled, experienced and RoSPA approved instructors


Training tailored to the specific needs of the organisation


Can be delivered at any site around the UK

What does the advanced behavioural driver training skills refresher course cover?

  • A comprehensive refreshment of all essential skills required for advanced driving coaching
  • Engaging discussions and reflective sessions on coaching techniques and driver-centred approaches
  • The Guide to Driver Education, a vital resource in shaping effective coaching practices
  • Immersive practical coaching sessions
  • Demonstration drives, accompanied by insightful commentary and expert coaching.

How is the advanced behavioural driver training skills refresher course delivered?

The course is delivered at clients' premises or at a mutually convenient location. All courses are delivered by our highly skilled, experienced and RoSPA approved instructors.

Get in contact to find out more about this course and book it today.

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RoSPA Level 4 Award in Advanced Behavioural Driver Training course

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Contact Us

Fleet Safety
+44 (0)121 248 2233
[email protected]