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Managing Occupational Road Risk Review

In today's fast-paced business world, managing occupational road risk has become paramount for organisations of all sizes. The Managing Occupational Road Risk Review (MORR) provides a comprehensive approach to addressing the safety concerns associated with employees who spend significant time behind the wheel. This unique form of consultancy combines road safety and occupational safety principles to effectively control and mitigate risks encountered by drivers in the course of their work.

What does the Managing Occupational Road Risk Review cover?


Delivery Methods:

Desktop review for SMEs.
Onsite reviews for larger business enterprises 


Bespoke (dependant on the size of organisation and type of review)


Desktop and/or onsite review: Conduct thorough assessments either remotely or on-site, providing detailed insights into current practices or offering customised recommendations for improvement.


Evaluation of documentary and system compliance: Assess compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards, reviewing documentation and systems to ensure adherence to best practices.


Targeted solutions for driving safety: Develop specific strategies to address identified risks and enhance safety measures, targeting key areas of concern to minimise accidents and promote safe driving behaviours.


Access to bespoke solutions: Provide personalised interventions and initiatives to meet the unique challenges and requirements of each organisation, delivering tailored recommendations for maximum effectiveness.


Review of management systems, policies, and documents: Evaluate existing management systems, policies, and documentation related to road safety and occupational road risk, ensuring alignment with legal requirements and industry standards for optimal effectiveness.


Direct access to experienced fleet management consultants: Engage with professionals in fleet management and road safety, receiving expert guidance and support throughout the review process to implement effective solutions and improve safety outcomes.


Upon successfully finishing this review you will be able to:

Perform audits of MORR systems:

Gain the skills to thoroughly assess occupational road risk management systems both remotely and on-site, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation process.

Provide targeted recommendations:

Develop the ability to identify specific areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations to address them effectively.

Develop tailored action plans:

Learn to create detailed plans that are customised to the unique requirements and challenges of your organisation, ensuring practical and effective solutions.

Utilise advanced auditing techniques:

Master advanced techniques to identify and address potential shortcomings in occupational road risk management, ensuring thorough and effective audits.

Enhance proficiency in managing road risk:

Improve your overall competence in managing occupational road risk, equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance safety and minimise risks on the road.


Benefits of the course:

For employers

  • Customised packages: Tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs and scale of each organisation.
  • Flexible delivery options: Various formats are available, including desktop, one-on-one, or group sessions, accommodating diverse preferences and organisational structures.
  • Improved compliance: Implementation of recommendations ensures adherence to occupational road safety regulations, reducing the risk of penalties and legal liabilities.
  • Management reporting tools: Access to tools facilitating cost savings analysis and training effectiveness evaluation, enabling informed decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Ongoing maintenance and support: Continuous support and maintenance services provided for MORR systems, ensuring long-term effectiveness and sustainability of road safety measures.

For delegates

  • Enhanced risk control: Gain insights and recommendations to effectively identify and mitigate risks on the roads, fostering a safer driving environment for yourself and others.
  • Personalised action plans: Receive tailored action plans designed to improve driving skills and minimise accident risks, empowering individuals to proactively address areas of improvement.






For employers

  • Cost savings: By investing in this course employers can reduce the need to bring in external assessors, saving valuable resources and money
  • Reduced occcupational road risk: Equipping your employees with competent driver assessment skills helps reduce occupational road risk, enhancing safety within the organisation.

For delegates

  • Enhanced communication skills: articipants in this Driver assessor training course become proficient communicators, honing their questioning and listening skills to build rapport with drivers
  • Identification of development needs: Graduates will be well-prepared to identify the development needs of other drivers, contributing to improved driving skills.

Managing Occupational Road Risk Review is tailored to meet your needs if:

  Businesses prioritising driving safety: Ideal for organisations committed to enhancing driving safety standards and reducing the risk of accidents among employees.

Diverse organisational sizes: Suitable for a wide spectrum of businesses, including small, medium-sized enterprises, and larger corporations, ensuring accessibility and relevance across various industries and scales.

Focus on compliance: Designed for employers seeking to align with occupational road safety regulations and standards, facilitating compliance efforts and minimising legal liabilities associated with road accidents.


Why choose the Managing Occupational Road Risk Review:


Unique consultancy approach:
The MORR review offers a distinctive consultancy service that integrates expertise in occupational road risk management, providing specialised insights and solutions tailored to the needs of each organisation.


Unparalleled expertise:
Benefit from the extensive knowledge and experience of RoSPA consultants who possess an in-depth understanding of road safety principles and best practices, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, effective solutions.


Practical solutions:
Emphasis on practicality ensures that recommendations provided are actionable and applicable, enabling organisations and individuals to implement tangible measures to enhance road safety and mitigate risks effectively.


Through the MORR Review, organisations and individuals are empowered with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to take proactive steps towards improving road safety, fostering a culture of safety and responsibility.

Contact us today to elevate your organisation's road safety standards and ensure the wellbeing of your employees on the road.


Recommended courses

RoSPA Level 3 International Award for Driver Trainers

This international train the trainer qualification has been specifically developed to support your driver trainers so they can coach others in your organisation to the highest driving standards. 

Contact Us

Sales Enquiries
+44 (0)121 248 2000
[email protected]