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RoSPA Occupational safety: Our vision

The world of occupational safety which RoSPA wants to see includes:

  • A coordinated strategy for H&S which involves employers, employees, professionals and all other major H&S system stakeholders;
  • A national research strategy to advance understanding of the prevalence, causation and prevention of work related harms;
  • Continuing development of health and safety law based on goal setting and risk assessment backed by clear guidance;
  • Challenging targets set at every level to help secure progressive reduction in work related injury and health damage from all causes, including at work road and stress related accidents;
  • Every business having an effective H&S management system, led by senior and line managers, supported by safety representatives, advised by competent H&S professionals and reporting on performance to its stakeholders;
  • New emphases on safe design and on learning from accidents and incidents;
  • A major increase in resources for HSE and local authorities together with stronger enforcement and more effective penalties, including compulsory retraining and remedial programmes;
  • A better system of compensation for workplace injury which also incentivises and supports prevention and helps rebuild damaged lives;
  • A co-ordinated system, linked to business development advice for small firms, for delivering health and safety services, including health and safety training and capable of meeting health needs at work;
  • Ensuring that all organisations demand high health and safety standards of their business partners (such as contractors and suppliers);
  • Top level leadership of H&S by a Cabinet level Minister with the Government acting as an exemplary employer committed to H&S 'best practice' and promoting high standards via procurement and building H&S requirements into all its policies and plans and abandoning crown and parliamentary immunity;
  • Higher standards of safety and risk literacy by embedding of safety and risk concepts in the National Curriculum and in further, higher and professional education; and
  • Better international co-operation to share H&S knowledge and expertise and raise standards throughout the world.

A short RoSPA guide to core concepts (PDF 362kb).

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+44 (0)121 248 2000
+44 (0)121 248 2001
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