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Advanced Riding Refresher

The Advanced Riding Refresher is a comprehensive two-day course designed to refresh and enhance the advanced riding skills of motorcyclists. Led by RoSPA's top examiners, this course focuses on on-road coaching, theory, and feedback to hone existing riding skills. Participants’ will undergo a thorough refresher on key skills required to meet the high standards demanded by the RoSPA Advanced Test. The advanced rider training covers topics such as the use of the 'system of Roadcraft', hazard awareness, positioning, and human factors influencing riding.

What does the refresher motorcycle course cover?

Delivery Methods:

On Road (Own Bike)
In classroom


Two days


Candidate-led content: Tailored content led by candidates to address specific areas of riding that need refreshing to achieve a RoSPA gold standard ride.


Updates on the Highway Code: Comprehensive updates on the latest changes and regulations in the Highway Code to ensure riders are informed and compliant with current traffic laws.


Upon successfully finishing this course you will be able to:

Consistent application of Roadcraft System:

Develop the ability to consistently apply the 'system of Roadcraft' when encountering road hazards, ensuring safe and efficient navigation.

Responsibility for personal and others safety:

Demonstrate a heightened sense of responsibility for personal safety as well as the safety of others while riding a motorcycle, fostering a culture of safety on the road.

Effective application of traffic laws:

Apply traffic laws and procedures effectively during motorcycle riding, adhering to legal requirements and promoting responsible riding behaviour.


Identification and mitigation of human factors:

Identify and mitigate the effects of human factors on riding performance, enhancing decision-making abilities and minimising risk factors.

Demonstration of advanced riding skills:

Showcase advanced riding skills necessary to undertake the RoSPA Advanced Test, ensuring readiness to meet and exceed test standards.

Benefits of the course:


For employers

  • Skill maintenance and risk reduction: Maintain a high level of skill among team members, reducing occupational road risk and demonstrating commitment to staff health and safety.








For delegates

  • Skill maintenance and enhancement: Ensure’ maintenance of the highest skill level and stay updated on advanced riding techniques to promote safety and proficiency.
  • Development of critical thinking skills: Review and enhance riding skills to become a 'thinking rider', fostering critical thinking and proactive risk management on the road.
  • Increased hazard awareness and defensive riding techniques: Increase awareness of road hazards and adopt defensive riding techniques to prevent crashes or injuries, promoting a safer riding environment for oneself and others.



For employers

  • Latest risk assessment tools: Equip your employees with the latest tools for risk assessment in safer people handling
  • Reduced risk of MSD's: Mitigate the risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) within your organisation
  • Compliance with legislation: Ensure compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.

For delegates

  • Reduced risk of injury: Experience a reduced risk of injury through comprehensive risk assessment and planning
  • Confident risk assessment: Learn how to confidently assess risks and record handling plans based on the risk assessment
  • Efficient moving principles: Identify efficient moving principles that promote dignity and independence.

This refresher motocycle course is tailored to meet your needs if:

  Highway code knowledge: A good knowledge of the Highway Code is essential for this course. It ensures that you have a strong foundation in the rules and regulations of the road, which are vital for safe and lawful riding.

Own motorcycle: You should be willing to provide your own motorcycle for the course. This motorcycle must be fully insured for training purposes, roadworthy and legally compliant.

Refresher for RoSPA advanced test: Require a refresher for the three-yearly retest for the RoSPA advanced test or hold a previous advanced
riding award.

Aim for RoSPA Gold standard ride: Seek to maintain and improve advanced riding skills to achieve a RoSPA gold standard ride, demonstrating excellence in riding proficiency and safety.

Why choose the advanced rider training course?


Personalised approach:
Candidates can take advantage from a tailored approach designed to refresh and enhance advanced riding skills, ensuring readiness for the RoSPA advanced test.


Qualified instructors:
Candidates can learn from qualified RoSPA examiners who provide personalised coaching and feedback.


Hands-on coaching:
Receive practical coaching sessions aimed at addressing individual skill areas and ensuring mastery of advanced riding techniques.


High standards of RoSPA test:
Prepare comprehensively to meet and exceed the high standards set by the RoSPA advanced test, ensuring proficiency and safety
on the road.


Ready to elevate your riding skills and succeed in the RoSPA Advanced Test? Enrol now and take the first step towards achieving excellence on the road

Recommended courses

Safer People Handling Risk Assessment and Planning
RoSPA Level 2 in Advanced Riding Skills

An intensive and specialised course aimed at enhancing the riding skills and knowledge of motorcyclists to a high level of competence. 

Motorcycle instructor Training
RoSPA Level 3 Award in Motorcycle Instructor Training

Designed for individuals who already hold a gold in RoSPA's advanced riding test and have a passion to guide and instruct other qualified motorcyclists.


Contact Us

General Enquiries
+44 (0)121 248 2000
+44 (0)121 248 2001
[email protected]
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