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IOSH Working Safely

£ Member price:£111.00

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Categories: Training Courses
Price: £111.00
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IOSH Working Safely

The IOSH Working Safely course is a comprehensive programme designed to provide individuals with a foundational understanding of health and safety in the workplace. This course is essential for employees in any industry sector and focuses on creating awareness of general workplace hazards, while emphasising the importance of health and safety for the wellbeing of both the individual worker and those working alongside them.

Delivery Methods:

Virtual Classroom in-house
(Please contact us to book the in-house options)
One day for Classroom course - OR -
Four to eight hours Online (6 months access included)

What does the IOSH Working Safely course cover?

This course provides a thorough understanding of health and safety, ensuring that participants are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills required to create safer workplaces, including:


Industry-agnostic: With its industry-agnostic approach this course caters to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, emphasising that safety is a universal concern


Recognition of hazards: Participants will not only identify common workplace hazards but also gain the insight to discern less obvious risks, enhancing their ability to maintain a safe working environment


Risk mitigation: Beyond hazard recognition, the course emphasises proactively managing risks. Participants will learn effective strategies to mitigate and control identified hazards, ensuring a safer work environment


Individual wellbeing: The course goes beyond organisational benefits by stressing that health and safety are integral to the personal wellbeing of each employee, reinforcing the importance of self-care.


Safety for all: By instilling a culture of safety awareness this course ensures that everyone in the workplace benefits. It promotes a collective commitment to safety, contributing to the welfare of all employees and creating a secure and harmonious working environment.

Upon successfully finishing this course you will be able to:

Define key terms in health and safety:

After completing this course you will be able to confidently articulate and understand the essential terminology associated with health and safety.


Work safely:

The primary objective of the IOSH Working Safely course is to instil the knowledge and tools required to ensure your safety while performing your job. By the end of the programme you will gain a firm grasp of the measures necessary to safeguard yourself and your colleagues.

Identify workplace hazards and risks:

The ability to identify potential hazards and assess associated risks is a fundamental skill developed during this course. You will be trained to recognise common workplace dangers and understand how to control and minimise them.

Understand health, safety and wellbeing management:

Successful participants will gain insights into the mechanisms by which organisations manage and improve health, safety and wellbeing within the workplace.


Benefits of the course:

For employers

  • Avoid accidental injury: By ensuring that your employees operate safely and healthily you can significantly reduce the risk of accidental injuries. A workforce that understands and follows safety protocols is an asset to any organisation
  • Fewer hours lost to sickness and accidents: Implementing the knowledge and skills acquired in this course can lead to a reduction in sickness-related absenteeism and the number of accidents in the workplace
  • Enhanced business reputation: Businesses that prioritise the safety and wellbeing of their employees are viewed favorably by customers, clients and partners. This course equips your employees to contribute to your company's strong reputation in this regard
  • Flexible delivery methods: The course can be delivered through various methods, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your organisation's needs. Whether its classroom learning or an online course, you have the flexibility to decide what works best for your employees.

For delegates

  • The ability to define hazards and risks: This course empowers you to confidently define workplace hazards and assess associated risks. This is a critical skill that not only enhances your safety but also contributes to a safer work environment for all
  • Improves safety awareness culture: By completing the IOSH Working Safely course you contribute to building a culture of safety awareness within your workplace. You will appreciate the importance of safety measures and be better equipped to follow and advocate for them





For employers

  • Avoid accidental injury: By ensuring that your employees operate safely and healthily you can significantly reduce the risk of accidental injuries. A workforce that understands and follows safety protocols is an asset to any organisation
  • Fewer hours lost to sickness and accidents: Implementing the knowledge and skills acquired in this course can lead to a reduction in sickness-related absenteeism and the number of accidents in the workplace
  • Enhanced business reputation: Businesses that prioritise the safety and wellbeing of their employees are viewed favorably by customers, clients and partners. This course equips your employees to contribute to your company's strong reputation in this regard
  • Flexible delivery methods: The course can be delivered through various methods, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your organisation's needs. Whether its classroom learning or an online course, you have the flexibility to decide what works best for your employees.

For delegates

  • The ability to define hazards and risks: This course empowers you to confidently define workplace hazards and assess associated risks. This is a critical skill that not only enhances your safety but also contributes to a safer work environment for all
  • Improves safety awareness culture: By completing the IOSH Working Safely course you contribute to building a culture of safety awareness within your workplace. You will appreciate the importance of safety measures and be better equipped to follow and advocate for them
  • Internationally recognised qualification: You will gain an internationally recognised qualification, which can open doors to opportunities in various industries, highlighting your commitment to safety.

This course is tailored to meet your needs if:

  You need a foundational understanding of health and safety: If you work in any industry this course is tailored to meet your needs. It offers a solid foundation in health and safety, ensuring that you grasp the core concepts and practices necessary to keep yourself and your colleagues safe

Contribute to creating a safer work environment: If you are committed to promoting safety at your workplace this course empowers you to take an active role. Gain the knowledge and skills to identify hazards, assess risks and suggest safety measures

You aspire to enhance your qualifications: Having this certification can open doors to new opportunities and showcase your commitment to workplace safety to prospective employers or clients worldwide. It's an investment in your professional development and a valuable addition to your qualifications.

Why choose the IOSH Working Safely course?

The IOSH Working Safely course stands out for several reasons:


Safer workplace for employers:
Employers who choose the IOSH Working Safely course invest in creating a safer work environment for their employees. This proactive approach minimises the risk of accidents, injuries and illnesses - ultimately leading to a healthier and more productive workplace


Reduced absenteeism:
Safety-conscious organisations experience a decrease in employee absenteeism due to sickness or workplace injuries. By prioritising health and safety through this course employers can expect fewer workdays lost to health-related issues


Enhanced reputation:
Businesses that prioritise the wellbeing of their employees are often held in high regard by customers, clients and partners. The IOSH Working Safely course can help enhance the reputation of your organisation. making it more attractive to stakeholders


Contribution to a safety-
aware culture:

Delegates are not only equipped to work safely themselves but are also encouraged to play an active role in fostering a safety-aware culture within their organisations. By promoting safety awareness they contribute to a more secure and harmonious work environment.


Ready to elevate your understanding of workplace safety and make a positive impact on your career and workplace? Enrol in the IOSH Working Safely Training Course today and embrace a safer, more secure future. Join us in creating a culture of safety and wellbeing.


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