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IOSH Managing Safely

£ Member price:£828.00

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Categories: Training Courses
Price: £828.00
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IOSH Managing Safely

Health and safety are paramount in any workplace, regardless of the industry. Ensuring the wellbeing of employees and minimising workplace risks is a shared responsibility. The IOSH Managing Safely course is a fundamental step toward achieving this goal, offering a robust foundation for individuals working in any industry who wish to grasp the essentials of health and safety. This course, provided by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) equips participants with internationally recognised qualifications, providing the knowledge and skills necessary to work safely and foster a safety-aware culture within their organisations.

What does the IOSH Managing Safely Course cover?

Delivery Methods:

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom in-house
Face-to-face classroom in-house


Twenty four hours study time over three days


Assessing risks: Participants learn how to identify and assess potential hazards and risks in the workplace. This includes understanding the various types of risks, how to prioritise them and methods for risk assessment


Controlling risks: Once risks are identified the course covers strategies for controlling and mitigating these risks effectively. This involves implementing safety measures and control mechanisms to reduce the likelihood of accidents and incidents


Understanding responsibilities: Participants gain a clear understanding of their responsibilities concerning safety and health in the workplace. This includes legal and ethical obligations, as well as the roles and duties of managers, supervisors and employees


Understanding hazards: Hazard identification is a fundamental aspect of workplace safety. Delegates are taught how to recognise different types of hazards - whether they are physical, chemical, biological or ergonomic and how to address them appropriately.


Investigating Incidents: The IOSH Managing Safely Course covers incident investigation techniques. Participants learn how to thoroughly investigate workplace incidents to determine their root causes. This knowledge is vital for preventing similar incidents in the future.


Measuring performance: Participants will gain an understanding of performance measurement, learning how to effectively gauge health and safety performance. They will explore the principles of auditing and be able to identify the various types of evidence used in an audit.


Upon successfully finishing this course you will be able to:

Assess and control hazards and risks:

This course empowers you with the skills to identify potential workplace hazards and take measures to control and mitigate risks effectively. By doing so you contribute to creating a safer work environment.

Understand your responsibilities:

You will gain a comprehensive understanding of your role and responsibilities when it comes to safety and health in the workplace. This knowledge is crucial for managers and supervisors across industries.

Learn how to investigate incidents:

The course equips you with the expertise to conduct thorough investigations into workplace incidents. Understanding the root causes of accidents or near-misses is essential for preventing them from happening again.

Measure your performance:

After completing this course you will have the tools to evaluate your own safety performance and make necessary improvements. This self-assessment capability is invaluable in ensuring ongoing safety.

Benefits of the course:


For employers

  • Increase staff productivity: By reducing workplace accidents and injuries this course can lead to increased staff productivity. When employees feel safe they are more likely to perform their tasks efficiently
  • Flexibility: The IOSH Managing Safely course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to adapt it to your business needs. It can be delivered in various ways to ensure it aligns with your specific requirements
  • Efficient and effective learning: Covering health, safety and environmental basics in a single course streamlines the learning process. This efficiency can result in quicker and more effective understanding and implementation of safety measures
  • Globally-recognised certification: The IOSH Managing Safely course offers globally-recognised and respected certification. This certification not only validates the knowledge and skills of your managers and supervisors but also enhances your organisation's reputation.


For delegates

  • Practical knowledge and skills: Delegates who complete this course acquire practical knowledge and skills that enable them to take on greater responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. This expertise is applicable across various industries
  • Confidence in risk assessment: Delegates learn to confidently assess risks and improve safety practices within their organisations. This knowledge not only makes the workplace safer but also boosts the delegate's self-assurance in their role
  • Learn at your own pace: The IOSH Managing Safely course offers a variety of delivery methods, making it easier for delegates to choose a learning style that suits them best. Whether it's virtual, online or face-to-face, the course adapts to individual preferences.




For employers

  • Increase staff productivity: By reducing workplace accidents and injuries this course can lead to increased staff productivity. When employees feel safe they are more likely to perform their tasks efficiently
  • Flexibility: The IOSH Managing Safely course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to adapt it to your business needs. It can be delivered in various ways to ensure it aligns with your specific requirements
  • Efficient and effective learning: Covering health, safety and environmental basics in a single course streamlines the learning process. This efficiency can result in quicker and more effective understanding and implementation of safety measures
  • Globally-recognised certification: The IOSH Managing Safely course offers globally-recognised and respected certification. This certification not only validates the knowledge and skills of your managers and supervisors but also enhances your organisation's reputation.

For delegates

  • Practical knowledge and skills: Delegates who complete this course acquire practical knowledge and skills that enable them to take on greater responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. This expertise is applicable across various industries
  • Confidence in risk assessment: Delegates-learn-to-confidently assess risks and improve safety practices within their organisations. This knowledge not only makes the workplace safer but also boosts the delegate's self-assurance in their role
  • Learn at your own pace: The IOSH Managing Safely course offers a variety of delivery methods, making it easier for delegates to choose a learning style that suits them best. Whether it's virtual, online or face-to-face, the course adapts-to-individual-preferences.

This course is tailored to meet your needs if:

  Managers and supervisors: This course is specifically designed for individuals holding managerial or supervisory positions across a wide range of industries. It equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure safety in the workplace

Fundamental knowledge: If you require a foundational understanding of health and safety this course is ideal. It covers essential principles and practices necessary to establish a safe and healthy work environment

Existing safety responsibilities: Whether you are already responsible for safety within your organisation or are about to take on such responsibilities this course is tailored to provide you with the necessary expertise

Safety advocates: This course is suitable for those who are passionate about promoting safety in the workplace. It equips you with the tools and knowledge to champion safety practices within your organisation

Career development: For individuals seeking career development opportunities completing the IOSH Managing Safely course can be a valuable asset. It demonstrates your commitment to safety and your ability to manage it effectively.

Why choose the IOSH Managing Safely course?


Comprehensive understanding of health
and safety
Covers the basics of health and safety in a comprehensive manner, making it suitable for those who are new to the field


International workplace safety culture:
This course is a globally accepted standard, making it an ideal choice for those working in diverse settings or aiming for international career opportunities


Enhancing workplace safety culture:
Contribute to improving the safety culture within your organisation. A strong workplace safety culture can prevent accidents and injuries


Productivity boost:
When the workplace is safe employees are more likely to focus on their tasks. Choosing the IOSH Managing Safely course can indirectly lead to higher efficiency and better results


Reputation building:
Investing in safety training for managers and supervisors enhances your reputation within the supply chain. Prioritising safety can give you a competitive advantage.


Ready to elevate your workplace safety and enhance your career? Enrol in the IOSH Managing Safely course today to gain the essential knowledge and skills for a safer, more productive work environment. Take the first step towards becoming a safety champion. Your safety, your future - start now!

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