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Case studies


Clarion Response Ltd

Number of employees


Industry Sector




Clarion Response have achieved RoSPA’s Gold Medal Fleet Safety Award, and have achieved the gold award for the last eight years. They enter the awards each year as this motivates them to work towards a high standard in managing fleet safety. The awards offer Clarion Response the opportunity to review the fleet safety measures currently in place and to consider what initiatives can be introduced in the following year.

Clarion Response are particularly proud of their approach to reviewing risk assessments and policies in relation to occupational road risk. To achieve buy-in from all staff, when a policy or risk assessment is reviewed, Clarion Response undergo a consultation process with their staff.

As a result of their approach to the management of occupational road risk, Clarion Response have provided new vans to a section of the business, with plans to introduce these vehicles to the rest of the business in a phased approach. They have also achieved a reduction in the number of road accidents their fleet are involved in.

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