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Display Screen Equipment Assessor

£ Member price:£33.00

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Categories: Other
Price £33.00

Display Screen Equipment Assessor

In today's digital age, where much of our work is conducted using computers and other display screen equipment (DSE), ensuring the health and safety of employees who use such equipment is paramount. The Display Screen Equipment Assessor course is meticulously designed to equip learners with the essential knowledge and skills to assess and mitigate the potential health risks associated with DSE work.

Delivery Methods:



One day
(Six months access to the course)

What does the course cover?


Scope of DSE assessments: Understanding the scope and importance of DSE assessments in maintaining workplace health and safety.


Workstation analysis: Learning techniques for conducting comprehensive workstation analyses and identifying ergonomic factors that contribute to comfort and productivity in DSE environments.


Additional legal duties: Understanding the legal framework and obligations related to DSE assessments and exploring additional legal duties imposed by relevant regulations and legislation.


Upon successfully finishing this display screen equipment assessor training you will be able to:

Identify hazards and assess risks:

Recognise hazards and evaluate risks associated with DSE workstations, including those that may not be immediately apparent.

Utilise additional sources of information:

Effectively integrate supplementary information to enhance the depth and accuracy of risk assessments.

Draw informed conclusions:

Analyse assessment data to draw clear and informed conclusions, facilitating the implementation of appropriate risk mitigation strategies.

Document assessments clearly:

Record assessment findings systematically and comprehensively, ensuring clarity and accuracy in documentation.


Communicate findings to stakeholders:

Articulate assessment results clearly and concisely to relevant stakeholders, enabling informed decision-making and action.

Recognise limitations and seek expertise:

Acknowledge personal limitations and know when to seek additional expertise to ensure comprehensive risk management.

Benefits of the course:


For employers

  • Legal compliance: Ensure compliance with legal obligations outlined in The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.
  • Health issue reduction: Decrease employee health issues such as work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) by implementing effective DSE assessments and workstation setups.
  • Enhanced productivity: Improve productivity by providing correctly set up workstations, promoting ergonomic principles that contribute to employee comfort and efficiency.




For delegates

  • Skill acquisition: Acquire skills to conduct DSE assessments competently, enabling delegates to fulfil their roles effectively and contribute to workplace safety.
  • Personal health risk reduction: Reduce personal health risks associated with DSE work by gaining knowledge and implementing best practices for ergonomic workstation setups.
  • Maximisation of productivity: Maximise productivity through the adoption of ergonomic workstation setups, which can enhance comfort, reduce fatigue, and optimise task performance.



For employers

  • Legal compliance: Ensure compliance with legal obligations outlined in The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.
  • Health issue reduction: Decrease employee health issues such as work-related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) by implementing effective DSE assessments and workstation setups.
  • Enhanced productivity: Improve productivity by providing correctly set up workstations, promoting ergonomic principles that contribute to employee comfort and efficiency.

For delegates

  • Skill acquisition: Acquire skills to conduct DSE assessments competently, enabling delegates to fulfill their roles effectively and contribute to workplace safety.
  • Personal health risk reduction: Reduce personal health risks associated with DSE work by gaining knowledge and implementing best practices for ergonomic workstation setups.
  • Maximisation of productivity: Maximise productivity through the adoption of ergonomic workstation setups, which can enhance comfort, reduce fatigue, and optimise task performance.

This display screen equipment training course is tailored to meet your needs if:

  Conducting DSE assessments: You hold responsibility for conducting DSE assessments in the workplace.

Occupational roles: Are in roles such as office manager, facilities manager, health and safety manager, supervisor, or involved in DSE risk assessments.

Safety and regulatory compliance: Seek to enhance workplace safety and ensure compliance with relevant regulations, particularly regarding DSE.


Why choose the display screen equipment training course?


Practical approach:
Emphasizes hands-on methods for addressing DSE-related health risks, ensuring practical application in real-world scenarios.


Expert development :
Crafted by industry experts in DSE assessment and risk management, guaranteeing the latest insights and best practices.


Hands-on learning:
Facilitates active participation and skill development through practical exercises, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts.


Employee wellbeing:
Demonstrates a commitment to employee health and safety, empowering participants to create safer work environments.


Workplace productivity:
Enhances efficiency by promoting ergonomic setups, minimising DSE-related health issues and maximising performance.

Enrol on our display screen equipment training course and gain the knowledge and skills needed to enhance workplace safety, reduce health risks, and ensure regulatory compliance. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in the wellbeing of your employees and optimise your organisation's performance.


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