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RoSPA Customer Complaints Policy

It is RoSPA’s policy to handle complaints as part of the overall strategy to satisfy the needs of customers using our services. Expressions of dissatisfaction will be considered as important as complaints and plans put in place to remedy the service.

  1. Complaints will be handled:
    • Confidentially
    • Fairly
    • Promptly

  2. Staff will endeavour to:
    • Be courteous to the complainant
    • Respond positively
    • Offer constructive solutions

  3. Formal written complaints will be:
    • Recorded
    • Acknowledged within 14 days
    • Notified to Senior Management

  4. The complaints procedure will be:
    • Publicly displayed on RoSPA’s Website
    • Monitored regularly as per our BSI ISO 9001 Quality Management System
    • Reviewed and evaluated periodically as per our BSI ISO 9001 Quality Management System

  5. Anonymous Feedback from courses or word of mouth:
    • Will be analysed
    • Discussed with the trainer
    • Discussed with the venue provider
    • Corrective action implemented where appropriate
    • Monitored

Complaints Procedure

Any person dissatisfied with RoSPA’s services will be encouraged to make this fact known at the point and time of their dissatisfaction to the persons directly involved.

The first person to be advised of the complaint will, if appropriate, endeavour to resolve the difficulty, ensuring that RoSPA’s policy and procedures are followed. If it is not appropriate for the member of staff to deal with the complaint, it will be referred as soon as possible to the Manager.

This is the sequence of activities to be followed within the centre:

  1. Complaint received.
  2. Entry made on Form QC5300 with nature of the complaint.
  3. Complaint formally acknowledged.
  4. If necessary, complaint information passed to the Centre Manager.
  5. Facts ascertained and recorded onto Form QC5300.
  6. Explanations/remedy proposed and recorded onto Form QC5300.
  7. Complainant kept informed.
  8. Outcome recorded onto Form QC 5300.
  9. If relevant, concerns from delegates can be forwarded to the awarding organisation e.g. NEBOSH, BTEC, IOSH.
  10. Report filed by Manager in complaints file.

If a satisfactory conclusion is not obtained by the customer from the above procedure then the customer has the right to escalate the complaint to the Awarding Organisation (e.g. NEBOSH and the SQA) who will investigate the complaint until resolved.

Contact Us

General Enquiries
+44 (0)121 248 2000
+44 (0)121 248 2001
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