RoSPA Excellence in Road Safety Conference 2022
Wednesday , November 2
FREE Virtual Event
Despite seeing decreases in the number of people killed and seriously injured on Great Britain’s roads since the 1970s, progress has stalled over the last decade. As we await the new road safety framework, due to be published this autumn, there are two principle questions:
- What does excellence in road safety look like, in the UK and internationally?
- What does the UK need to do to achieve excellence?
With a focus on road safety education, this year’s conference speakers aims to answer these questions, providing examples of road safety excellence in interventions in the UK and internationally.
This year, the RoSPA Road Safety Conference is a free virtual event, allowing for a global audience.
What is the Road Safety Conference?
The RoSPA Road Safety Conference is a fantastic opportunity for road safety experts to come together to discuss key issues with like-minded individuals, learn about exciting new safety initiatives and gain key guidance from a range of fellow experts.
The conference has been running for over 80 years and is regularly attended by key figures from influential organisations such as Public Health England, Transport for London and West Midlands Police.
Why attend the Road Safety Conference?
The conference appeals to all road safety practitioners, researchers, policy makers and stakeholders. Delegates come from a wide range of businesses and sectors, with the event being of particular interest to areas such as local government, education and law enforcement. This is a great way to keep up to date with any key changes and updates.
How to register
The RoSPA Virtual Road Safety Conference 2022 will take place on Wednesday, November 2, 2022.
To book your FREE place please click the link below:
13:00 – Introduction from Chair
David Walker (Head of Road and Leisure Safety, RoSPA)
13:05 – “What do we need to do to achieve road safety education excellence in the UK?” – David Snelling (Policy Team Leader, Department for Transport)
13:30 – Developing evidence based Road Safety Education interventions
Elizabeth Box (Research Director, RAC Foundation)
Elizabeth Box is Research Director at the RAC Foundation, a transport policy and research organisation which explores the economic, mobility, safety and environmental issues related to roads and their users in the UK. Elizabeth sits on a wide variety of government and industry expert panels and is actively involved in national level research and policy development. A transport planner by training, Elizabeth is an accomplished research programme and trials manager who is currently conducting doctoral research work at Cranfield University where she is specialising in developing and trialling theoretically based road safety interventions.
Road Safety Education forms an important part of injury prevention efforts throughout the UK. Traditional road safety education approaches, which typically focus on providing information and emphasise the negative consequences of behaviour, have been found to have a limited impact on behavioural outcomes. It is therefore vitally important that practitioners embrace delivering interventions which are grounded in an understanding of human behaviour, which also make use of best practice approaches within behavioural science. This talk will outline the active ingredients within evidence-based interventions, which will be illustrated with examples from the recently developed pre-driver theatre and workshop education ‘DriveFit’ programme, which was trialled in Devon between Nov 21 – Jan 22 using a cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (cRCT) design.
13:55 – Message Not Received – Uncovering a hidden health inequality
Fenna Boerkamp (Behavioural Scientist, So-Mo)
Fenna is a Behavioural Scientist at So-Mo where she applies cutting-edge behavioural science frameworks and methodologies to understand and influence behaviour at scale. She is a keen advocate of insight-led approaches, particularly those which integrate data analysis, ethnography and psychology to understand risk and what is driving behaviour. She is also involved in So-Mo’s knowledge transfer programme, which is set up to help build the knowledge and capacity of our public sector partners and commissioners. Prior to working at So-Mo, Fenna graduated with distinction in Psychology (BSc) from the University of Twente and in Behaviour Change (MSc) from Radboud University in the Netherlands. After completing her degrees, she held a teaching position at the University of Twente. In this role, she lectured BSc Psychology students on designing behavioural interventions and solving a wide variety of psychological problems, as well as on psychological communication and conversation skills.
Previous UK seatbelt campaigns failed to reach South Asian communities resulting in 'message not received' and seatbelt non-wearing rates that are five times the UK average.
So-Mo teamed up with Birmingham City Council and local communities to uncover the truth behind these startling statistics. In this presentation, we show how we combined behavioural science, digital ethnography, and community co-design to understand and resolve this hidden health inequality.
The approach used is transferable and relevant to a wide range of behavioural opportunities and challenges facing highways transportation and mobility such as modal shift and lowering emissions.
14:10 – Pilot pedestrian safety training for children in years 3-4 findings
Fiona Fylan (Health Psychologist, Brainbox Research)
Fiona is a Professor of Sustainable Behaviour at the Leeds Sustainability Institute at Leeds Beckett University, and a Health Psychologist with 20 years’ experience of applied psychology. Her research focuses on behaviour change to create sustainable communities, which involves how people behave in their homes, for example the energy they use; how they behave on the roads, for example driving safely and considerately; and how they use healthcare systems, for example their use of screening and vaccination services. Fiona is a member of the British Psychological Society, and head of the behavioural research team at the Leeds Sustainability Institute, and she is the academic lead for NDORS, the national organisation that oversees driver offender retraining schemes.

This talk summarises research to evaluate a new pedestrian safety training, developed by RoSPA for children in Years 3 and 4. The training resource was piloted in schools in February 2022. Six schools were randomised to receive the training (intervention group) and six to not receive it until after the research (control group). The results show a statistically significant increase in road safety knowledge over time, and a statistically significant difference between the intervention and control schools. Children in intervention schools had a larger increase in road safety knowledge than those in the control schools. They could apply their knowledge and understanding about where to walk on the pavement, selecting a safe place to cross the road, where to look when they are crossing the road, how to cross between parked cars, and how to cross using a traffic island.
14:25 – Questions and Answers
14:50 – Close from the Chair