People Sustainability: The Future
Thursday, December 01, 2022
Join us for an exclusive, invitation only event hosted at London’s iconic County Hall.
People are at the core of all organisations and their decisions create or erode value for nature, people, society and the economy.
The value of employees for both organisations and their stakeholders is directly connected to their health, safety and wellbeing. This event will enable you to recognise the broad range of benefits which can be delivered across your organisation by investing in creating a safe and healthy workforce.
Join our selected guest speakers, stakeholders and organisations to understand common thinking, motivators and incentives, standards and key performance indicators surrounding the value of people and their health, safety and wellbeing in companies.
Through this approach we will amplify the message that the health and safety of people and their wellbeing creates value and long-term sustainability for a company and its stakeholders, while generating value across the capitals.
Situated on the South bank of the river Thames, with breath-taking views over The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye, London’s County Hall is the prestigious venue for this event.
County Hall
Lord Suite
Riverside Building
Belvedere Road
08:00- 08:30 – Registration
08:30 – Welcome – Errol Taylor (Chief Executive, RoSPA)
Errol was appointed chief executive of RoSPA in July 2017, having initially joined in 2004 and being deputy chief executive since 2006.
His evidence-based approach aims to reduce the toll of injury by empowering individuals and organisations to be “as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible”, wherever they are and whatever they are doing. Along with RoSPA colleagues, he created a new epidemiological measure – the Preventable Year of Life Lost (PrYLL) – and was the lead author of RoSPA’s influential suite of Big Book(s) of Accident Prevention.
A keen proponent of partnership working, Errol is the non-executive chairman of EuroSafe, a member of the National House Building Council (NHBC) and an adviser to both the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF). He played a leading role in multi-million-pound projects Safe At Home and the Child Safety Education Coalition.
A fellow of both the Institute of Directors and the Royal Society for Public Health, Errol is qualified as a chartered director with an MBA, an engineering degree and a gold grade in RoSPA’s advanced driving test. Married with three children, Errol enjoys scuba diving, hiking and cycling.

08:45 – Introduction – Malcolm Staves (Global Vice President Health and Safety, L’Oréal) and Kathy Seabrook (Co-Chair Human Capital in OSH and Wellbeing Project, Capitals Coalition)
09:05 – Keynote 1 – "Tackling the Unknowns in People Sustainability" – Dr Sarah Cumbers (Director of Evidence and Insight, Lloyds Register Foundation)
Sarah is an advocate of evidence-based policy and practice. At Lloyd’s Register Foundation her team works to use data and evidence to help better understand the complex factors that affect safety. This includes driving improvements in the availability, quality and accessibility of data, synthesis of evidence, and implementation of evidence into practice to improve safety outcomes. She is also the Chair of the Evidence Quarter, a community interest company that brings together evidence-minded organisations to increase collaboration and tackle joint challenges.
Sarah spent much of her career at NICE, the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, working across a number of roles including establishment of NICE Connect – a major digital transformation programme including a data and analytics function.
Wellbeing, value and inclusion are major issues of our time – but how do we know what is going to make a positive difference as we seek to reduce risk and improve people’s safety? We know what we know – but what don’t we know, and how can we find out and connect the dots to use this information to bring about change?
Sarah Cumbers is the Director of Evidence and Insight at global safety charity Lloyd’s Register Foundation. In this key note presentation Sarah will discuss what she knows about using evidence to inform practice, and how the Foundation is using these approaches in pursuit of a safer world.
09:35 – Session 1: Valuing Human Capital in Occupational Health & Safety
Session Chair: Natalie Nicholles (Senior Director, Capitals Coalition)
Natalie is a Senior Director at the Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision making. The Capital Coalition leads an extensive global network to include the value provide by all capitals (natural, social, human and financial) in the decision making in business, finance and government. Previously, Natalie was Global Director at the Royal Society of Arts and before that she built a socio-economic impact consultancy for leading UK think tank, New Economics Foundation – measuring and valuing human and social capital outcomes. Natalie is passionate about putting people and the planet at the heart of decision making to tackle our global crises, and using collaboration as the way to achieve impact.
To transform business models and markets that deliver sustainable economies, understanding the consequences of business on nature and people, previously viewed as ‘externalities’, is now critical. What seemed as obvious and straightforward as keeping people safe at work and at home is now increasingly complex. Valuation of occupational health and safety (OHS) programs is emerging as an important component of human capital management for companies. Launching a new White Paper on Valuing OSH, this session will explore what a new, multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary look the value of occupational health and safety means in today’s society.
Panel Members:
John is the Vice President of Thought Leadership at the National Safety Council. In this capacity, he oversees the Campbell Institute, the global EHS&S center of excellence, as well as Safe Actions for Employee Returns (SAFER), NSC’s COVID-19 response initiative, Work to Zero, focused on serious injury and fatality prevention through technology, and the MSD Solutions Lab, an innovative new program focused on innovation in ergonomics and beyond. John also leads a variety of other research and impact initiatives including programs related to psychological safety, ESG & sustainability, and more.
Since joining the National Safety Council in 2007, John has led numerous high-impact programs, including the prestigious Robert W. Campbell Award. John is a frequent speaker at conferences in North America and Europe on topics including the future of work, emerging trends in EHS&S, management systems, leadership, and leading indicators. Prior to joining the Council, John held quality management, project management, and coalition-building positions in the communication and educational fields.

Tom is an Ecological Economist, specializing in understanding value in a more holistic manner in order to achieve better outcomes for people, nature, and businesses. Tom is working on integrating human, social, natural, and produced capitals into business decision making processes at Capitals Coalition.

Sabine Hoefnagel is the Global Leader of Sustainability & Risk at ERM and a member of its global Executive Committee and the Board. In her role she leads on ERM’s Sustainability, Brand, Comms and Marketing, Risk and Health and Safety Functions. She is also responsible for the SustainAbility Institute by ERM and ERM’s strategic partnerships with other organisations including the WBCSD for whom she acts as ERM’s Liaison Delegate as well as the Capitals Coalition.
Sabine has 26 years’ professional experience in sustainability consulting across a broad range of sectors including finance, oil and gas, mining, manufacturing, chemicals and agribusiness. Her specific technical experience is in sustainability strategy, due diligence, capital project development, social performance management and human rights and she has worked worldwide providing advice to both private and public sector clients at corporate and asset level. Sabine joined ERM in 2000.
Before ERM, she worked for the United Nations Environment Programme as a legal specialist and has worked in close cooperation with many international institutions including bilateral development agencies, UNDP, the World Bank, IFC, FAO, the European Commission, the EBRD as well as many NGOs including Human Rights Watch, WWF and IUCN.
Her academic background is in Law with a Master of Comparative Jurisprudence Degree from New York University, School of Law (with a specialisation in human rights and public international law) and a ‘Doctoraal’ Degree (Masters equivalent) from the University of Amsterdam Law Faculty (specialisation in Environmental Law).
Since April 2021, she is a member of the Supervisory Board of ‘Rewilding Europe’, a not for profit operating at the frontline of rewilding at a European scale.

Helen Slinger is Head of Sustainable Business at Yorkshire Water, working to transition the company to a sustainable business model. She was Executive Director at Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) for five years and led PwC’s Sustainability and Climate Change Northern Practice for seven years, having moved into sustainable business in 2006. Helen is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), a Practitioner Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and an Accredited Social Return on Investment Practitioner. She chairs the A4S Expert Panel and the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission Future Economy Panel, sits on the ICAEW Sustainability Committee and is a former member of the Capitals Coalition Advisory Panel. She has an Executive MBA and sits on the Board and Audit Committee of the Bat Conservation Trust.

10:20 – Networking break
10:40 – Session 2: The role of health and safety in sustainability and ESG
Session Chair: Kathy Seabrook (Co-Chair Human Capital in OSH and Wellbeing Project, Capitals Coalition)
Panel Members:
Michael has held senior EHS positions in various industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and chemicals to inks and coatings (including Bristol Myers Squibb and SunChemical) and engineering (including Rolls-Royce Plc. and ABB). In these roles he has led businesses to world-class performance against industry peers and the top centile when benchmarked against all industries.
Michael has also held senior positions outside of EHS – as business director for a pharma division and Strategy, Mergers and Acquisition director for EMEA/Asia regions.
Currently, Michael is the Vice President of Social and Environmental Responsibility for Jabil, based in Zurich, heading EHS and Sustainability globally. In this role, he balances various functional activities, from site and people, social responsibility and human rights, HSE, health and wellbeing — linking this to a clear and effective sustainability strategy creating business value.
Michael earned his BSc (Joint Hons) in Chemistry and MSc in Environmental and Pollution Control from the University of Manchester and his MBA from Henley Management College.

Carole Smets is the Global Health and Safety Director at Pernod Ricard. Carole joined Pernod Ricard in 2022. In her role she leads the implementation of the Sustainability strategy of Pernod Ricard “Good Time from a Good Place” with a focus on the “Valuing People” pillar.
She has +20 years of experience in the field of Health, Safety, Environment and Corporate Sustainability and 11 years as Partner with ERM, a consultancy company. Her experience in sustainability consulting is providing her an extensive experience in Sustainability within a broad range of sectors including finance, oil and gas, mining, manufacturing, chemicals and agribusiness. Her specific technical experience is in sustainability strategy, due diligence, health and safety performance management and human rights and she has worked worldwide providing advice to both private and public sector clients at corporate and asset level.
Carole is convinced that sustainability means business.

Neil McFarlane is the Senior Vice President for Corporate Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) within the Legal and Compliance function at Firmenich, and also sits on the Supply Chain executive team with responsibilities for the Manufacturing Excellence CoE. He has over 35 years of experience in the field of QHSE / Compliance, 30 of which were in the speciality chemical / F&F industry at an international level. Neil is passionate about operational excellence and a strong advocate that significant business value and long-term operational performance can be achieved through improved and sustained QHSE / ESG practices.

Jennifer McNelly, CAE, is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the American Society of Safety Professionals. McNelly has more than 30 years of association, government, regulatory and business experience.
As CEO, McNelly advances the organization’s mission to help its members and their employers create safe work environments worldwide through the prevention of injuries, illnesses and fatalities. She works with the Board of Directors and ASSP's professional staff to execute ASSP’s strategic plan for growth while building on the Society’s legacy and addressing the evolving needs of more than 36,000 safety and health professionals around the globe, strengthening the Society’s position as a leading voice while fostering a collaborative culture of member engagement, performance, accountability and innovation.
Prior to ASSP, McNelly has been president of Indianapolis-based 180 Skills LLC, an online career and technical education company, and president of The Manufacturing Institute, the non-profit affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. A Certified Association Executive and University of Maryland College Park graduate, McNelly earned the Secretary of Labor’s Exceptional Achievement Award and was named among the 100 Women Leaders in STEM.

11:25 – Session 3: Road safety – The most valuable mile is the mile not driven
Session Chair: Karen McDonnell (RoSPA)
Panel Members:
Thiago Ramos is currently the Global Health & Safety Manager at the L’Oréal Group. He is a chemical engineer with a master’s degrees in Health & Safety Engineering, Environmental Management and an MBA in International Business Management. Thiago has 13 years’ experience in Oil and Gas and Consumer Goods multinational companies, leading projects in Environment, Health and Safety, including international awards and certifications.

Dee Arp is a Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner of IOSH and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. Dee moved into occupational health and safety 25 years ago whilst working at The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). Prior to joining NEBOSH, Dee held the roles of Course Developer and Head of Occupational Safety for RoSPA.
Dee is now NEBOSH Chief Operating Officer and is accountable for the leadership, strategic direction and performance of the Business Delivery Unit activities. This includes providing leadership on all matters relating to qualification development and assessment of NEBOSH qualifications and on matters of compliance, including the accreditation of NEBOSH Learning Partners. She oversees the implementation of agreed strategies and governance arrangements which protect the integrity of assessments leading to NEBOSH qualifications. Her previous experiences gained as a learner, provider and Examiner are of great benefit to Dee in her role.
Dee previously studied with Cambridge University for the Certificate of Continuing Education (Principles and Practice of Assessment) and is now undertaking further study with Cambridge University for a Master’s in Education. Dee continues to work with RoSPA as a judge, and now also Panel Chair, and advisor on the annual RoSPA international health and safety awards.

For nearly 20 years, and before retiring from his full time role in 2014, Roger was RoSPA’s senior occupational safety adviser. Prior to that, he was, for 17 years, health and safety adviser at the Trades Union Congress where he worked closely with the then Health and Safety Commission, the Health and Safety Executive and also with the European Commission (DGV). He has had much experience in working with Government, industry, unions, professional bodies and political representatives at the highest levels, including internationally. Roger's full time role at RoSPA was to advise the Society on all matters associated with work related risk, helping it expand its contribution to the British ‘health and safety system’.
Amongst other core work such as policy oversight and running awards, he helped to develop a number of RoSPA’s Key Campaigns including; Managing Occupational Road Risk (MORR), Strengthening the role of accident investigation in health and safety management, Promoting director action on safety and health, and improving health and safety help and assistance to small firms.
He continues to work for RoSPA part time as Partnership Consultant and is still a Board member of ‘Safety Groups UK’ which works to energise the work of RoSPA’s affiliated Health and Safety Groups. (He is the President of his local Group in Herefordshire.) In 1990 he received the MBE for his services to occupational safety and health. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health and has received the RoSPA Distinguished Service Award for services to health and safety. In 2006 he received the IOSH President’s Distinguished Service Certificate. In 2011 he received the IOSH Lifetime Achievement Award.

As Global HSE Strategy Lead for Jacobs’s health, safety, and environment, Fiona is responsible for developing and implementing Jacobs’ health, safety, and environment strategy across their portfolio and, as a key leader, challenges the organisation to aim higher when they think about health, safety and well-being.

12:15 - 13:30 – Lunch break
13:30 – One Million Lives – Fiona O'Donnell (Global HSE Strategy Lead, Jacobs)
As Global HSE Strategy Lead for Jacobs’s health, safety, and environment, Fiona is responsible for developing and implementing Jacobs’ health, safety, and environment strategy across their portfolio and, as a key leader, challenges the organisation to aim higher when they think about health, safety and well-being.

Jacob’s One Million Lives campaign is accessible to anyone – no matter where they live, who they are, or what organisation they work for. On October 10, Jacobs led a global coalition of industry-leading companies on a day of action over mental health, and achieved the world’s biggest mental health check-in. The data collected to date include 30,000+ mental health checks, and a global audience of over 75,000+ attendees on resiliency calls. Take a few minutes to check in on your mental health https://www.oml.world.
Dr Manal Azzi is the Global Team Lead on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at the International Labour Organization (ILO) based in Geneva, Switzerland. In her 17 years with the ILO, she has had the opportunity to supervise interventions around the world.
Dr Azzi currently leads the ILO’s occupational safety and health team and manages a number of portfolios including the work on chemical safety and the environment and ILO's activities on the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health promotion in the workplace including improved wellbeing, nutrition and the prevention of stress, psychosocial risks, violence and substance abuse in the world of work. She also coordinates the world day for safety and health at work campaign. Dr Azzi also works on advancing OSH management systems and promoting over 19 ILO conventions including ILO core OSH principles Conventions 155 and 187 among others. She was instrumental in the process leading to the recognition of occupational safety and health as a fundamental principle and right at work in June 2022.
Dr Azzi holds a PhD in Health Sciences and Policy (Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences-University of Surrey, UK), a masters in labour law, LLM (University of Leicester), a masters in nutrition, and BSc. in environmental and public health sciences (American University of Beirut), and a degree in biochemistry, human physiology and health education (University of Sydney).

13:50 – Session 4: Diversity, Inclusion & Equity: The Future
Session Chair: Louise Hosking (Director, Hosking Associates)
Louise is the Director and owner of Hosking Associates, a global Health & Safety Consultancy and the co-founder and Director of the OneWISH Coalition which is a social enterprise promoting women and inclusion in safety & health.
Louise is a risk management leader, influencer and business owner with over 3 decades of experience working alongside organisations from micro to FTSE supporting them to transform their approach and perception of Health & Safety at every level and across supply chains. Her team guide businesses along a journey to see Health & Safety and high ethical values as an enabler for success. This focus on inclusion, ethics and social capital led to the creation of OneWISH, along side Malcolm Staves of L’Oreal, which supports women & inclusion in Safety a Health around the world.
Louise worked as a regulator after graduating from Nottingham Trent University gaining significant court experience. She has worked for the Co-Operative Retail Group and prior to becoming a business owner she was Head of Environmental Health & Safety for Savills PLC. Property and asset management have remained a specialist area.
Louise is a regular event speaker, contributor to a wide range of publications and on social media platforms commentating not only on positive OSH values but also inclusion, social value and the challenges faced by SME’s as they grow. Louise became the 55th President of IOSH in November 2021 and the 7th woman to serve in the role.

Panel Members:
Bobbie Grant is currently the Senior Global EHS Manager for Thermo Fisher Scientific. She has been at the company for 25 years, stepping into this current role 12 months ago.
Back in 1997 when Bobbie left University, she started out as a Health and Safety Manager’s secretary, working at a local large top tier agrochemical plant. Whilst there, she started her NEBOSH certificate, at which point halfway through was made redundant at 21. She carried on the course to completion, and then spent 15 years at a chemical manufacturing site in Warrington, automating and improving processes. She has always held an EHS position in sales, service and support for the life science industry.

Having previously managed student halls for more than 20 years, from University of Nottingham to South Bank University and Imperial College, Anne Isaacs now currently manages a residential block of luxury flats in Fulham. Previously the Chair of the London Metropolitan Branch of IOSH, Anne now sits on the IOSH Fire Risk Management Group Committee, and is a member of the IOSH Council, a Trustee for the IOSH Benevolent Fund, a School Governor and a Volunteer for Inspiring Governance.

Kizzy is a Partner in the White Collar Crime & Investigations Group at Mishcon de Reya and currently heads the firm's Health and Safety practice. A Solicitor Advocate with Higher Rights of Audience, she has significant experience in defending companies, senior directors and employees in corporate manslaughter and serious fire / health and safety prosecutions.
Kizzy provides preventative consultancy advice to high-profile corporate and commercial clients concerning corporate policies and procedures to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation, as well contentious, strategic advice in response to an actual incident. She also regularly represents clients at court, Enforcement Notice appeals and Coroners' inquests. Kizzy has a particular interest in health and safety leadership and governance risk, as well as the management of reputational risk for businesses across all sectors.
She is a Co-opted Member of IOSH Council, member of the Health and Safety Lawyers Association and an Executive Committee trustee of the London Health and Safety Group. She is a staunch campaigner for true equality and diversity in health and safety and in the legal profession. She is a professional mentor for young Black or other ethnic minority students and provides work experience opportunities for those that are interested in entering the profession. She is also a champion for the retention of women in senior positions in the workplace, which involves challenging traditional ways of thinking - embracing flexible and agile working, diverse recruitment, innovative digital solutions, transparency and honesty at a senior level.
Kizzy is recognised by The Legal 500 in 2022 as an “exceptional Leading Individual” for health and safety. She is also highly ranked in Chambers & Partners in 2022, which describes her as “impressive, forward-thinking and really excellent at what she is doing”. She has been voted one of the top 15 health and safety influencers in the UK by around 600,000 global readers of the Safety & Health Practitioner.

Rosie Russell is the Head of Environment, Health, and Safety for MeiraGTx, a research phase gene therapy company working on treatments incurable, inherited, diseases. She started out her career as an Organic Chemist and became involved in lab management and health and safety when working in a small startup. Since then, she has built up over 20 years’ experience working with chemical, biological and radiation risks in the public, private and charity sectors. She also has a strong interest in the psychology of work both in terms of human factors and workplace mental health. She is part of the LGBT+ community and a strong advocate for ED&I in her profession and the workplace as a whole.

Nishma Mistry is a Safety, Strategy Manager at Transport for London (TfL). Nishma’s role includes leading on Safety, Health and Wellbeing and the Environment Cultural change in Transport for London.
Diversity and inclusion are values that are so important to Nishma, she pledges to help drive change to celebrate diversity, build collaborative and supportive networks, break down barriers and create a safe community where everyone belongs and thrives. “We are all unique and special in our own ways. I believe we should all be treated with respect with no barriers put in front of us to achieve our dreams. If anything, we should help support each other and strive for a fully inclusive world”
She is a member of three Staff Network groups at Transport for London (TfL): Women Staff network, Sustainability group and previously a leadership member of TfL RACE staff network group. Her work and passion to drive diversity has been recognised at TfL with Make a Difference Awards.
In addition, she is also a volunteer member of Women in Transport and has become their EDI Champion for the Women in Rail/RIA Charter.

Christine has over 30 years of Health and Safety Experience. She joined Sompo International in 2018 and serves as the SVP Risk Control Director for the company’s North American Insurance Business. In addition to providing consultative services and support to a wide range of clients, she manages a team of risk control specialists who have expertise in both property and casualty risk control.
Christine brings expertise in the areas of manufacturing, hospitality, real estate, professional services, transportation and the food and beverage industry. As a risk control consultant she has assisted many corporations in identifying the return on investment needed to convince senior leadership of the need to implement programs to reduce their total cost of risk.
Christine is the 108th President of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), serving a one-year term. Sullivan’s term as president will complete a decade of service on the Society’s Board of Directors. As only the eighth woman to lead the organization since it was founded in 1911 – and third in the past four years – Sullivan believes that increasing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the profession can elevate the safety and health of workers everywhere.
Sullivan holds a bachelor’s degree in human factors engineering from Tufts University in suburban Boston.

14:35 – Keynote 3: “Vision Zero and People Sustainability – Towards a Paradigm Shift in OSH?” – Hans-Horst Konkolewsky (President, International ORP Foundation)
Mr Hans-Horst Konkolewsky is the President of the International ORP Foundation, based in Barcelona (Spain), which is committed to promoting the quality of work life and business innovation with a focus on health and sustainability. He is also official Vision Zero Ambassador and Chair of the Global Vision Zero Business Council.
Following his election in 2005, Mr Konkolewsky served until early 2019 as Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Under his leadership a range of new initiatives were taken to strengthen in particular the proactive and preventive role of social security, including the launch in September 2017 of the global Vision Zero campaign during the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Singapore.
Prior to his election as Secretary General, Mr Konkolewsky served for ten years as the Director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, a tripartite European Union institution located in Bilbao, Spain.
Mr Konkolewsky, who is a Danish national, also held several senior positions in the Danish Ministry of Employment and served as Deputy Director General of the Danish Labour Inspection.

Megatrends such as globalisation, demographic ageing and digitalization as well as the recent Covid-19 pandemic have led to major disruptions in the world of work, challenging our traditional understanding of occupational safety and health (OSH).
It has become obvious that our traditional, systematic management approach towards OSH based on national and international legislation and standards needs to be further developed towards supporting a healthy and sustainable business culture. This requires innovation both in terms of mind-sets, qualifications and collaboration.
The ISSA’s Vision Zero campaign, launched in September 2017, puts special emphasis on the need for (top-) management taking the lead in building this culture, and on the importance of involving all employees in the journey towards a prevention culture where people come first.
In my talk I will outline, why time has come for a long-awaited paradigm shift from a highly systems- and compliance-based approach, to business culture promoting people sustainability.
14:50 - Networking Break
15:10 – Workshop's
- Valuing Human Capital in OSH
- Role of OSH in the Sustainability Agenda
- Role of DEI and OSH
The workshops are the opportunity for participants to develop outputs and discuss and digest what they’ve heard throughout the day. The discussion will do some short landscaping, and then move swiftly to what people need to better influence the topics in their role, organisation and profession.
16:40 – Take homes and next steps – Malcolm Staves (Global Vice President Health and Safety, L’Oréal)
16:50 – Thank you from RoSPA – Errol Taylor (Chief Executive, RoSPA)
17:00 – Close