Glasgow RoSPA Awards Excellence Forum: Breakfast
Networking Session
Thursday, May 25, 2023
DoubleTree by Hilton Glasgow Central
This forum is generously sponsored by HSE Recruitment
What are the Awards Excellence Forum Events?
Each entrant into the RoSPA Health and Safety Awards gains access to the Awards Excellence Forum – free of charge – which enables you to join any of our networking events throughout the year. These events will provide you with access to a network of likeminded RoSPA Award entrants, offering support and sharing advice that can help with refining and improving your award entry and previous results, and also your safety management systems and career on a wider level.
Why attend the Awards Excellence Forum Events?
An estimated 2.3 million people around the world die from work-related accidents or diseases every year, which equates to more than 6,000 deaths every single day. In total, there are around 340 million occupational accidents, and 160million victims of work-related illnesses annually. Within the UK alone, work-related accidents and ill health translate to an estimated annual cost of £15billion.
Work-related accidents and ill health cause major disruption to business processes, negatively impact corporate reputation, can lead to major legal penalties, and have a lasting effect on the quality of life of the individual involved, their family, their friends and their colleagues. That’s why good safety performance deserves to be recognised and rewarded.
Our Awards Excellence Forum Events provide the opportunity to hear presentations from different organisations, which are in different stages in their RoSPA awards and safety journeys.
How to register?
This year, our Awards Excellence Forum will return to Scotland, and will be co-located with one of our prestigious Awards Ceremonies. The forum will take place Thursday, May 25, 2023, at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Glasgow Central. This will take place as a Breakfast Networking Session. The awards will take place at the same venue.
To book your place, please click the button below:
The full address for the venue can be found below:
DoubleTree by Hilton Glasgow Central
36 Cambridge Street
G2 3HN
08:00 – Registration
08:30 – Welcome
Chair: Karen McDonnell (Occupational Health and Safety Policy Advisor, RoSPA)
Errol was appointed chief executive of RoSPA in July 2017, having initially joined in 2004 and being deputy chief executive since 2006.
His evidence-based approach aims to reduce the toll of injury by empowering individuals and organisations to be “as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible”, wherever they are and whatever they are doing. Along with RoSPA colleagues, he created a new epidemiological measure – the Preventable Year of Life Lost (PrYLL) – and was the lead author of RoSPA’s influential suite of Big Book(s) of Accident Prevention.
A keen proponent of partnership working, Errol is the non-executive chairman of EuroSafe, a member of the National House Building Council (NHBC) and an adviser to both the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF). He played a leading role in multi-million-pound projects Safe At Home and the Child Safety Education Coalition.
A fellow of both the Institute of Directors and the Royal Society for Public Health, Errol is qualified as a chartered director with an MBA, an engineering degree and a gold grade in RoSPA’s advanced driving test. Married with three children, Errol enjoys scuba diving, hiking and cycling.

08:35 – Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030: Where driving for work fits
Speaker: George Henry (National Operations Manager for Road Safety, Policy and Education, Transport Scotland)
09:00 – How we put people first: reflections on people and sustainability
Speaker: John Johnston (Senior HSE Advisor, TechnipFMC)
People are at the core of all organisations and their decisions create or erode value for nature, people, society and the economy. The value of employees for both organisations and their stakeholders is directly connected to their health, safety and wellbeing. In this presentation, John will share how TechnipFMC put their people first, what simple changes they have made to make a real difference and how the RoSPA Awards application process has assisted in their reflection.
09:25 – How we overcome our biggest challenge’s (2022 RoSPA Award Winner)
Speaker: Neill Murray (Director of HSEQ, Aramark Offshore)
Natalie is a Senior Director at the Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision making. The Capital Coalition leads an extensive global network to include the value provide by all capitals (natural, social, human and financial) in the decision making in business, finance and government. Previously, Natalie was Global Director at the Royal Society of Arts and before that she built a socio-economic impact consultancy for leading UK think tank, New Economics Foundation – measuring and valuing human and social capital outcomes. Natalie is passionate about putting people and the planet at the heart of decision making to tackle our global crises, and using collaboration as the way to achieve impact.
Hear from the 2022 winner of the RoSPA Scotland Trophy, as they share the current HSEQ challenges they face and how they are overcoming them.
Helen Slinger is Head of Sustainable Business at Yorkshire Water, working to transition the company to a sustainable business model. She was Executive Director at Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) for five years and led PwC’s Sustainability and Climate Change Northern Practice for seven years, having moved into sustainable business in 2006. Helen is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), a Practitioner Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and an Accredited Social Return on Investment Practitioner. She chairs the A4S Expert Panel and the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission Future Economy Panel, sits on the ICAEW Sustainability Committee and is a former member of the Capitals Coalition Advisory Panel. She has an Executive MBA and sits on the Board and Audit Committee of the Bat Conservation Trust.

09:45 – Strengthening your personal brand within your organisation and beyond
Speaker: Laura Aucott (Associate Director, HSE Recruitment)
In the current marketplace, personal and internal branding for safety professionals has never been more important. How can you use the RoSPA Awards to elevate your brand and take the next step in your career?
10:10 – Refreshment Break
Jennifer McNelly, CAE, is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the American Society of Safety Professionals. McNelly has more than 30 years of association, government, regulatory and business experience.
As CEO, McNelly advances the organization’s mission to help its members and their employers create safe work environments worldwide through the prevention of injuries, illnesses and fatalities. She works with the Board of Directors and ASSP's professional staff to execute ASSP’s strategic plan for growth while building on the Society’s legacy and addressing the evolving needs of more than 36,000 safety and health professionals around the globe, strengthening the Society’s position as a leading voice while fostering a collaborative culture of member engagement, performance, accountability and innovation.
Prior to ASSP, McNelly has been president of Indianapolis-based 180 Skills LLC, an online career and technical education company, and president of The Manufacturing Institute, the non-profit affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. A Certified Association Executive and University of Maryland College Park graduate, McNelly earned the Secretary of Labor’s Exceptional Achievement Award and was named among the 100 Women Leaders in STEM.

10:30 – How to Get Ahead: Laying foundations for your 2024 RoSPA Awards Submission
Speaker: Matthew Cryer (Awards Standards Manager, RoSPA)
Looking to enter the RoSPA Awards again in 2024? Hear how you can start to prepare for your submission now, how you can apply advice from your 2023 feedback reports and how to take that next step to achieve a higher result next year.
As Global HSE Strategy Lead for Jacobs’s health, safety, and environment, Fiona is responsible for developing and implementing Jacobs’ health, safety, and environment strategy across their portfolio and, as a key leader, challenges the organisation to aim higher when they think about health, safety and well-being.

10:55 – Closing Words
11:00 – Forum Close
As Global HSE Strategy Lead for Jacobs’s health, safety, and environment, Fiona is responsible for developing and implementing Jacobs’ health, safety, and environment strategy across their portfolio and, as a key leader, challenges the organisation to aim higher when they think about health, safety and well-being.

Dr Manal Azzi is the Global Team Lead on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at the International Labour Organization (ILO) based in Geneva, Switzerland. In her 17 years with the ILO, she has had the opportunity to supervise interventions around the world.
Dr Azzi currently leads the ILO’s occupational safety and health team and manages a number of portfolios including the work on chemical safety and the environment and ILO's activities on the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health promotion in the workplace including improved wellbeing, nutrition and the prevention of stress, psychosocial risks, violence and substance abuse in the world of work. She also coordinates the world day for safety and health at work campaign. Dr Azzi also works on advancing OSH management systems and promoting over 19 ILO conventions including ILO core OSH principles Conventions 155 and 187 among others. She was instrumental in the process leading to the recognition of occupational safety and health as a fundamental principle and right at work in June 2022.
Dr Azzi holds a PhD in Health Sciences and Policy (Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences-University of Surrey, UK), a masters in labour law, LLM (University of Leicester), a masters in nutrition, and BSc. in environmental and public health sciences (American University of Beirut), and a degree in biochemistry, human physiology and health education (University of Sydney).