Dubai Health and Safety Excellence Forum
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Address: Dubai Mall
As one of the most advanced and urbanised countries in the Middle East, the UAE is also home to some of the best road network infrastructures and construction sites in the world. However, it is estimated that only 18% of construction companies in the Dubai Municipality conduct regular health and safety training, and shockingly, road accidents are the second highest cause of deaths in the UAE.
While a lot of work is still to be done in improving safety standards across the UAE, at RoSPA, we believe that good safety performance deserves to be highlighted, recognised and rewarded. We are excited to be hosting the RoSPA Dubai Health and Safety Excellence Forum, on Thursday, May 4, 2023. This free-to-attend event will provide you with an exclusive opportunity to hear presentations from different organisations, which are in different stages in their safety journeys, plus receive support and advice that can help with refining and improving your award entry and previous results, and also your safety management systems and career on a wider level.
Spaces are limited so early booking is highly recommended. We look forward to you joining us in May.
How to register?
The RoSPA Dubai Health and Safety Excellence Forum will be co-located with one of our prestigious Awards Ceremonies. The forum will take place Thursday, May 4, 2023, at the Address Dubai Mall. This will take place as a morning Networking Session. The awards will take place at the same venue that evening.
To book your place, please click the button below:
The full address for the venue can be found below:
Address Dubai Mall
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashed Boulevard Downtown Dubai
P.O. Box 31166
The forum will take place in the Diamond Ballroom. Valet parking is offered on a complimentary basis for guests attending the event.
08:30 – 09:00 – Registration and Refreshments
Occupational Health and Safety Session
09:00 – 09:05 – Welcome and Introduction from Chair
Speaker: Mr Errol Taylor (Chief Executive Officer, RoSPA)
Errol was appointed chief executive in July 2017, having initially joined RoSPA in 2004 and being deputy chief executive since 2006.
His evidence-based approach aims to reduce the toll of injury by empowering individuals and organisations to be “as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible”, wherever they are and whatever they are doing. Along with RoSPA colleagues, he created a new epidemiological measure – the Preventable Year of Life Lost (PrYLL) – and was the lead author of RoSPA’s influential suite of Big Book(s) of Accident Prevention.
A keen proponent of partnership working, Errol is the non-executive chairman of EuroSafe, a member of the National House Building Council (NHBC) and an adviser to both the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF). He played a leading role in multi-million-pound projects Safe At Home and the Child Safety Education Coalition.
A fellow of both the Institute of Directors and the Royal Society for Public Health, Errol is qualified as a chartered director with an MBA, an engineering degree and a gold grade in RoSPA’s advanced driving test.

09:05 – 09:30 – Moving ahead together with Occupational Safety and Health Management
Speaker: Matthew Cryer (Awards Standards Manager, RoSPA)
Keeping employees physically and mentally well at work is a shared challenge, whatever our geography. In this presentation, hear about key occupational health and safety challenges being faced in the GCC region, and how we can come together as an awards community to help each other manage them.
09:30 – 09:45 – Generation, Transmission, Distribution | Energy across the Middle East
Speaker: Mr. Khalid Al Bin Ali (Safety, Security, Health & Environment Manager, GPIC)
09:45 – 10:00 – Driving and Riding Safely for Work
Speaker: Neelesh Sogani (General Manager HSE, Zawawi Powertech Engineering LLC)
Dr Neelesh Sogani is a Seasoned Senior Management HSE Professional with 25+ years of experience in Process, Oil & Gas, Construction and Infra Industry. He has worked in India, North Africa and the Middle East, and is now currently working as General Manager HSE for Zawawi Powertech Engineering LLC. His current role involves the understanding of OSH within the energy generation sector.
Dr Sogani is a Chartered Fellow of IOSH, Fellow Member of IIRSM, the Chair of IOSH Oman Chapter, a regional RoSPA Ambassador and has a Doctorate in Management Studies. He is a regular speaker in International HSE Conferences and is involved in many HSE Campaigns and Road Shows. His influence is exemplary, and is demonstrated by the impressive array of International, Regional and National Awards in the field of HSE & CSR that he has gained. These include awards from the American Society of Safety Engineers, Global Excellence Awards 2021, Oman Society of Contractors, Construction Week, and many more.
The increase in population coupled with ever-growing social-economic activities, has led to a substantial increase in the number of automobiles on roads. Because of this, there has been a steady increase in the number of road accidents, particularly in metropolitan cities of the Middle East and Gulf countries. Travelling to and from work on the road is one of the most dangerous activities most people will undertake in the working week. This talk will focus on not only preventing injuries on the road, but also ensuring the happiness of the families back home – how can you influence hearts and minds, and embed those key road safety messages to keep employees safe at work, and safe at home.
Helen Slinger is Head of Sustainable Business at Yorkshire Water, working to transition the company to a sustainable business model. She was Executive Director at Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) for five years and led PwC’s Sustainability and Climate Change Northern Practice for seven years, having moved into sustainable business in 2006. Helen is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), a Practitioner Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and an Accredited Social Return on Investment Practitioner. She chairs the A4S Expert Panel and the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission Future Economy Panel, sits on the ICAEW Sustainability Committee and is a former member of the Capitals Coalition Advisory Panel. She has an Executive MBA and sits on the Board and Audit Committee of the Bat Conservation Trust.

10:00 – 10:15 – Feeling the Heat | Achieving Zero Heat Exhaustion Cases in the UAE
Speaker: Mr Nezar Hameed (SHE Manager, ALBA)
Nezar Hameed began his career with Alba in 1997 as a Senior Operator in Casthouse Department. He was promoted to Reduction Line 5 Supervisor after which he was appointed as the HSE Coordinator at Reduction Lines where he played an active role in boosting the safety culture. In 2012, Nezar was promoted to HSE Superintendent and played an instrumental role in the implementation of safety systems on a plant-wide basis. In 2016, he was promoted to Manager, Operation Support Services Department then in2017 he was appointed as HSE manager for Line 6 Project followed by Safety and Health Manager in 2018.
Nezar was part of the Safe Start-Up Team for both Reduction Lines 5 and 6 Projects and holds Master of Business Administration (MBA) from ESSEC through the French Arabian Business School, Bahrain. He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Teesside, UK and is a Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 systems. He has numerous certifications related to workplace safety including the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH).
Scorching temperatures and high humidity are typical of Bahrain’s summers, which last from May to October, with the peak months being July and August. Whilst tourists visit the Kingdom to enjoy the season, it is a major Safety and Health concern for the industrial sector. During summer, the environment is hotter and more humid than average. Workers are exposed to dangerously high levels of heat, and any one working outside during the day, even if it is moderate physical labour, is exposed to potentially fatal levels of heat stress.
The aluminium smelting plant is a harsh environment where operating temperatures are very high. This, coupled with the scorching summer temperatures and humidity, leads to high risk of heat-related illness and injuries.
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), is one of the world’s largest Aluminium smelters, with a production of more than 1.6 million metric tonnes per year. Alba has +3,100 employees as well as contractor personnel working in 3 shifts, round-the clock. Despite such challenges, we have one of the best safety cultures in the business, with ownership of safety being shared by every employee and worker. And, we are proud to say that Alba has achieved Zero Heat Exhaustion cases in the last 6 years.
RoSPA are delighted to welcome Alba to the forum, as they share their exemplary management techniques.
10:15 – 10:20 – Close of session from Chair
Speaker: Mr Errol Taylor (Chief Executive Officer, RoSPA)
Jennifer McNelly, CAE, is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the American Society of Safety Professionals. McNelly has more than 30 years of association, government, regulatory and business experience.
As CEO, McNelly advances the organization’s mission to help its members and their employers create safe work environments worldwide through the prevention of injuries, illnesses and fatalities. She works with the Board of Directors and ASSP's professional staff to execute ASSP’s strategic plan for growth while building on the Society’s legacy and addressing the evolving needs of more than 36,000 safety and health professionals around the globe, strengthening the Society’s position as a leading voice while fostering a collaborative culture of member engagement, performance, accountability and innovation.
Prior to ASSP, McNelly has been president of Indianapolis-based 180 Skills LLC, an online career and technical education company, and president of The Manufacturing Institute, the non-profit affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. A Certified Association Executive and University of Maryland College Park graduate, McNelly earned the Secretary of Labor’s Exceptional Achievement Award and was named among the 100 Women Leaders in STEM.

10:20 – 10:45 – Networking Break
As Global HSE Strategy Lead for Jacobs’s health, safety, and environment, Fiona is responsible for developing and implementing Jacobs’ health, safety, and environment strategy across their portfolio and, as a key leader, challenges the organisation to aim higher when they think about health, safety and well-being.

Road Safety Session
10:45 – 10:50 – Introduction from Chair
Speaker: Mr Errol Taylor (Chief Executive Officer, RoSPA)
10:50 – 11:10 – To be announced shortly
As Global HSE Strategy Lead for Jacobs’s health, safety, and environment, Fiona is responsible for developing and implementing Jacobs’ health, safety, and environment strategy across their portfolio and, as a key leader, challenges the organisation to aim higher when they think about health, safety and well-being.

To be announced shortly
Dr Manal Azzi is the Global Team Lead on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at the International Labour Organization (ILO) based in Geneva, Switzerland. In her 17 years with the ILO, she has had the opportunity to supervise interventions around the world.
Dr Azzi currently leads the ILO’s occupational safety and health team and manages a number of portfolios including the work on chemical safety and the environment and ILO's activities on the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health promotion in the workplace including improved wellbeing, nutrition and the prevention of stress, psychosocial risks, violence and substance abuse in the world of work. She also coordinates the world day for safety and health at work campaign. Dr Azzi also works on advancing OSH management systems and promoting over 19 ILO conventions including ILO core OSH principles Conventions 155 and 187 among others. She was instrumental in the process leading to the recognition of occupational safety and health as a fundamental principle and right at work in June 2022.
Dr Azzi holds a PhD in Health Sciences and Policy (Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences-University of Surrey, UK), a masters in labour law, LLM (University of Leicester), a masters in nutrition, and BSc. in environmental and public health sciences (American University of Beirut), and a degree in biochemistry, human physiology and health education (University of Sydney).

11:10 – 11:30 – Safe, Timely, Smart: School Transport in the GCC
Speaker: Steve Burnell (Managing Director, STS Group)
Louise is the Director and owner of Hosking Associates, a global Health & Safety Consultancy and the co-founder and Director of the OneWISH Coalition which is a social enterprise promoting women and inclusion in safety & health.
Louise is a risk management leader, influencer and business owner with over 3 decades of experience working alongside organisations from micro to FTSE supporting them to transform their approach and perception of Health & Safety at every level and across supply chains. Her team guide businesses along a journey to see Health & Safety and high ethical values as an enabler for success. This focus on inclusion, ethics and social capital led to the creation of OneWISH, along side Malcolm Staves of L’Oreal, which supports women & inclusion in Safety a Health around the world.
Louise worked as a regulator after graduating from Nottingham Trent University gaining significant court experience. She has worked for the Co-Operative Retail Group and prior to becoming a business owner she was Head of Environmental Health & Safety for Savills PLC. Property and asset management have remained a specialist area.
Louise is a regular event speaker, contributor to a wide range of publications and on social media platforms commentating not only on positive OSH values but also inclusion, social value and the challenges faced by SME’s as they grow. Louise became the 55th President of IOSH in November 2021 and the 7th woman to serve in the role.

STS Group are the leading service provider of student transport in the UAE, enabling more than 80,000 students to get to school. Continually setting new standards and benchmarks for safety, in 2022, STS Group won the Fleet Safety Trophy for Middle East in the RoSPA Health and Safety Awards. Hear about the current safety issues they are facing, how they are managing these, and what sets them apart from other organisations.
11:30 – 11:40 – Train the Trainer: Ensuring Excellence Amongst Driving Instructors
Mr Hans-Horst Konkolewsky is the President of the International ORP Foundation, based in Barcelona (Spain), which is committed to promoting the quality of work life and business innovation with a focus on health and sustainability. He is also official Vision Zero Ambassador and Chair of the Global Vision Zero Business Council.
Following his election in 2005, Mr Konkolewsky served until early 2019 as Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Under his leadership a range of new initiatives were taken to strengthen in particular the proactive and preventive role of social security, including the launch in September 2017 of the global Vision Zero campaign during the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Singapore.
Prior to his election as Secretary General, Mr Konkolewsky served for ten years as the Director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, a tripartite European Union institution located in Bilbao, Spain.
Mr Konkolewsky, who is a Danish national, also held several senior positions in the Danish Ministry of Employment and served as Deputy Director General of the Danish Labour Inspection.

Speaker: Faisal Faraj Al Nuami (KDS Director, Mowasalat Qatar)
11:40 – 11:50 – Driving Change: Improving road safety in the GCC
Speaker: Oliver Stewart (International Sales Manager, RoSPA)
In this presentation, discover the work RoSPA are currently doing in the region to help improve driving and what training and qualifications are available to your organisation to help tackle this challenge.
11:50 – 12:00 – Rewarding Safety Performance | The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards Testimonial
Speaker: Roshan Menon (Head of Transport Services, Emirates Group)
The RoSPA Awards are one of the most prestigious and recognised schemes in the world with almost 2,000 entries every year, nearly 50 countries and a reach of over 7 million employees.
Emirates Group have been successful awards entrants for years, and we are delighted to be joined by their Head of Transport Services, Roshan Menon, who will be sharing what value the awards have brought to both the organisation, and himself as an individual.
Roshan is part of the RoSPA Awards Ambassador network, a group of individuals who head up RoSPA’s entrant mentoring scheme, and champion the objective to drive up health and safety standards via the RoSPA International Health and Safety Awards.
12:00 – 12:05 – Close from Chair
Speaker: Mr Errol Taylor (Chief Executive Officer, RoSPA)
12:05 – 13:00 – Lunch and Networking