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Home play equipment

A picture of a child on a slide.


This information sheet suggests some things to be considered when purchasing outside or large play equipment for the home.

General Comments

  1. Is there a CE or GS mark on the equipment which indicates a degree of quality?
  2. Are full installation, maintenance and operating instructions included?
  3. Is there an indication of recommended age or use and durability?
  4. Is paint used non-toxic and low lead?
  5. Are all tube ends capped?
  6. Are there no protruding bolts or parts?
  7. Unless otherwise designated are items capable of being secured to the ground securely?
  8. Are all hand grips less than 40mm?
  9. Is information given on appropriate surfaces?


  1. Are seats impact absorbing?
  2. Are all ropes protected against wear at fixing points?
  3. Swing ropes should not be crossed in the middle
  4. Is the ground clearance at least 200mm?
  5. Are all 'S' hook fixings closed or capable of being closed?


  1. Are access ladders and steps securely fixed to the slide?
  2. Are the slide sides at least 64mm high?
  3. Are there guard sections and hand grips to the top of the slide to prevent falls?
  4. Is the end less than 300mm from the ground?


  1. Are there no protrusions underneath?
  2. Does it rotate noiselessly and smoothly?
  3. Are there hand-grips for children to hold?

Climbing frames

  1. Are hand grips less than 40mm diameter?
  2. Are any moving parts (i.e. ropes) fixed top and bottom to reduce movement?
  3. Is the frame less than 2m high?


  1. Are hand grips less than 40mm in diameter?
  2. Are there any protruding bars (i.e. hand grips should be loops)?
  3. Are there foot rests?

Combination units

  1. Is there sufficient space between swinging units to avoid children striking each other?
  2. Are there less than three swinging items in a single bay?
  3. Do children have to go past a swinging item to access other play features?

Contact Us

Playsafety Ltd *
+44 (0)1793 317470
[email protected]
Unit 78, Shrivenham Hundred Business Park, Watchfield, Swindon, SN6 8TY
* RoSPA’s activities in the area of play safety are carried out under an exclusive licence arrangement by an independent and highly experienced specialist company, “Playsafety Ltd” which trades under such licence as “RoSPA Play Safety”.